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    Chocolates in Sharjah

    Chocolates in Sharjah
    Chocolates in Sharjah

    Sunday 17 December 2023

    Goodreads has a 'review bombing' problem — and wants its users to help solve it

    Amazon-owned Goodreads makes little effort to verify users, and critics say this enables a practice known as review-bombing, in which a book is flooded with negative reviews, often from fake accounts, in an effort to bring down a its rating, sometimes for reasons having nothing to do with the book

    Posting a torrent of fake negative book reviews — sometimes before a book is out or has even been written — is a known problem on the literary social media site.

    (Image credit: Becky Harlan/NPR)

    from Culture : NPR https://ift.tt/DJIBsdt

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