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    Chocolates in Sharjah

    Chocolates in Sharjah
    Chocolates in Sharjah

    Sunday 31 October 2021

    This mother wanted her son to have photos to understand her breast cancer journey

    In 2015, Keyla "Nunny" Reece, felt a lump in her breast, got it checked out and was told it was a benign cyst. A new lump was discovered under her armpit. At the age of 39, on June 7, 2017, doctors diagnosed her with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer, and by that point the cancer spread to her ribs, lungs, spine, and pelvis.

    Keyla "Nunny" Reece was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer at age 39. Photographer Angelica Edwards documented the hardships and moments of joy in Reece's experience with cancer.

    (Image credit: Angelica Edwards)

    from Arts & Life : NPR https://ift.tt/3w0BGTe

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